Why join a club?

Lately I have been running into people who ride the trails and do not belong to a club. There response is why should I belong when I have been riding for free? or what do I get for joining? I decided it was time to post this.


Often repeated but always true, this list is courtesy of John T. Prusak of SnowGoer Magazine.

  1. Snowmobile clubs gain land access to create our snowmobile trails.
  2. Snowmobile clubs build the trails we all ride on.
  3. Snowmobile clubs purchase the insurance.
  4. Snowmobile clubs, for our safety, maintain and install the trail signage on our trails.
  5. Snowmobile clubs are solely responsible for grooming our trails. 
  6. Snowmobile clubs can offer financial benefits through sponsoring and promoting businesses.
  7. Snowmobile clubs promote safer riding and sponsor safety training for our children.
  8. Belonging to a snowmobile club gives you a great social outlet for our favorite hobby.
  9. Belonging to a snowmobile club gives you a direct voice about trail creation, maintenance and signage.
  10. Belonging to a snowmobile club is just the right thing to do if you ride and want to keep the sport of snowmobiling alive.                                                                                                                  I love this list! I challenge you to do the right thing and join club. Take the time to get online and pay your dues. If you don't join a local club, someday there may be no trails to ride!