Erie Crawford Snowmobile Alliance Meeting Minutes 01/09/2020

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 7:55 PM on January 9, 2020 at the PISC clubhouse by Olaf Aavik.

Board Members present: Olaf Aavik, Steve Shuhart, Dan Snyder Jr, Bob Percy

Club reps present:  Mckean, Stan Smith; Triangle S, Dan Snyder Sr; Wales, Mark Sonney; PISC, Sid Schaefer: Tri County, Joe Miller. Also attending; Dave Baldwin

The previous month’s minutes were read and a motion was made to accept by Bob Percy, seconded by Dan Snyder Sr, with a correction to the header date, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – November balance $10030.11. December balance $10480.11. PISC 2020 dues pending. Motion to accept by Stan S, seconded by Mark S, motion carried.

 Old Business – Maps – Proof expected to be ready in about 2 weeks, will call extra meeting at that time for edits/approval. Discussed having a note on the maps indicating where they are available for purchase, also signs for vendors advertising maps. Looking into coming up with an ECSA logo.  

 Club Activities –   All clubs doing trail work.

McKean – Poker run is the first Sunday with snow. Looking at having a gun raffle spring 2021. Beechwood Golf closed Jan 25-26

PISC – Doll party March 28 at Mckean church at noon, bingo at 1 PM. Changed 50th anniversary open house to Feb 8, BYOB, snacks provided, 1-5 PM

                                Triangle S – Poker run Feb 8 Home Tavern registration 10-noon

                                Tri County – Winterfest Feb 1 vintage ride-in 11 AM

                                Wales – Poker run Jan 25, no snow date Feb 1

ECSA – A motion was made by Mark S to change award banquet to a small party held at a local establishment with cash bar, and to reduced the number of awards to 2(Hall of Fame and Snowmobiler/Family of the Year); seconded by Dave B, motion carried. Date/location TBA at next meeting and ballots will be sent out.  – Board nominations; Dan S and Steve S will continue their positions, President position nominations tabled.

PSSA – Awards to remain the same, ballots will be sent out, banquet April 18. Liz provided materials to give to vendors to display.  


A motion to adjourn was made by Stan S, seconded by Bob Percy at 8:40PM. The next regular board meeting will be held at 8:00 PM on February 13, 2020 at the PISC clubhouse.